Routine Development

As stated before, I'm a regular “working stiff” with little time to waste dealing with complex fitness routines that I have to track with a paper and pen or keep track of what day of the week it is.  In my opinion, those routines are for professionals that working out is their business.  Most of us have other professions, and that is why I believe in working out the entire body each day that I make it to the gym, notice I said “each day I make it to the gym”, because daily life prevents us from working out every day.  Total body workouts cause a winding up effect, like twisting a rubber band.  This method will cover you, should you skip a day or more, by allowing your body to unwind and come back stronger, thus creating a stress free fit environment.

Most people develop complex routines and have certain days for certain body parts, and that to me, is too complicated and another reason why people get on the fitness roller coaster.  I realize that just about every article, program or trainer believes in changing your routine, but I don't necessarily believe that. As long as a routine has several methods of exercising a body part, you should not have to change it too often; daily life will do that for you.  Change it yes, maybe after 5 or 8 months or after you achieve your shape, just use some common sense.  For example; if you had a job that required you to perform a 20 lbs. bicep curl motions 8 hours a day 5 days a week for years, do you think you would have strong arms?  Don't be afraid to stick with a routine if it's working for you; just increase your intensity to improve conditioning or break through a plateau.  There are many methods and machines to exercise a certain body part, rotate the method not the focus area.

Working out can't always be fun, it should be strictly business.  If you are getting bored, then you are losing your motivation element, find a way to keep it rotating. 

  •     Limit rest between sets no more than 30 seconds
  •     Exercise alone, partners are distracting
  •     Leave cell phone in locker
  •     Don't hog up more than one piece of equipment
  •     If a piece of equipment or machines is not available don’t stand around waiting for it, move on
  •     Visualize your end state, concentrate
  •     Do not get injured


As you continue with your workout programs, keep in mind that some can only take you so far, like Aerobic classes for example or certain video workouts.  There are many good programs available, like P90x, Insanity, Cross Fit, Jackie Warner, Hip Hop ABS to name a few.  Choose some safe components from these routines to help you develop your own total body CORE routine.  Machines are okay, but try to mix in free weights or body weight exercises and always include some form of aerobic activity like running or stair stepper type exercise.  Remember to relax, take your time and realize that exercise is a long term part of your life.  Do some research on High Intensity Training (HIT) programs; in my opinion, HIT programs offer the best results, be sure to adjust it according to your needs and always use the reverse pyramid method.


Realize there are some exercises that are not efficient and will cause injury with prolonged usage.  For example, head stand push-ups, yes they are challenging and may make you sore the first few times, but at what cost?  The unnecessary blood rush to the head is not a good thing at any age, find another exercise that is safer, achieves the same goal and can be done for many years to come, regardless of age.  Heavy, low rep bench press, squats or bent over rows are other examples, these will eventually cause injury.  So examine your workout program and find exercises that are efficient and can be done when your 60 and offer results without future injury.  The push-up and pull-up exercises are good examples of efficient forms of exercises. In my opinion, total body workout programs are more efficient and provide long term results.


Take a look at your body and choose a body part that you would like to change, become obsessed with the notion of changing its shape or strength.  Be sure to have a picture in your mind of the desired outcome (visualization element).

Visual Interpretation of Stress Free Fit routine:

Develop an exercise foundation or base routine by identifying an existing routine or a set of exercises that are efficient and work out the entire body.  Customize them to meet your desired fitness goal and desired body shape thus creating a group of exercises, this will be your CORE exercises.  These core exercises should be done every time you work out or go to the gym, after they are completed, focus on your desired body part of choice with other forms of exercises.

An example of one workout day can be doing a cross fit routine; this will be your core routine.  Another core routine can be, running a few miles, followed by some sit-ups, push-ups and dips.  Be sure to have a target rep count or running pace in mind and increase intensity as needed.   After you complete your core routine, start on your FOCUS area.  If you are sore, then skip that body part, some body parts like the abs can be exercised if sore.

Remember, the base or CORE routine should be done every time you work out or attend the gym.    Also try to increase your rep count for the exercises within the core routine.  No need to rotate other types of exercises within the core routine; maybe just skip certain ones based on soreness.  The core routine should take the bulk of your time 25 to 40 minutes, the key is consistent stimulation.  The FOCUS routine is where you can regularly rotate various types of exercise methods and body parts, but the core should remain somewhat consistent.

Once you have completed your core routine workout, you can focus on your desired body part for 15 to 20 minutes.  For example, if your focus was shoulders, then you would do some shoulder exercises and maybe some other exercises for other body parts, but the key is to focus on your desired body part.  After a few months or when you feel your shoulders look good, then you pick another body part to focus on.  After some time, your focus routines will grow and you will discover efficient and effective exercises to continue with your long tern fitness goals.

This methodology takes longer, but in the end its results will be long term.  Total time should be 45 minutes to an hour, if you are not smoked or tired within this amount of time, then increase your intensity by increasing your rep or set counts or you are resting too much.

It is a little more complex than this, but I hope this makes a little sense to most.  If not contact me for more specifics, everyone is different.