I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we will all age, our muscles will deteriorate and gravity will over power our bodies, if you get my drift! One of the things I try to tell people and a large part of my exercise philosophy is that you must keep an eye on the future, your fitness future that is. After all, at the end of the day one of the many reasons people get into fitness is to look good. Looking good when you’re young is easier than when you’re older, that is why exercise selection and developing a good routine early is crucial to long term fitness.
What the future has in store for us is a saggy butt, arms, chest and an oversized waistline, this is one future we can all see coming. Obviously there are other body parts (muscles) that will be affected by age. The body parts shown, in my opinion, have the most impact on external appearance and have a wider impact on surrounding muscles when exercised. In order to prolong this particular “saggy” future, an exercise routine that consistently, efficiently and safely works these muscles must be developed and utilized.
As I have mentioned on earlier postings and on my website "Exercise Philosophy" certain body parts must be exercised every time you exercise or hit the gym, every time you go, not every day. I also mention the importance of having a base routine or foundation that provides the consistency needed. There are hundreds of exercises, moves and routines available, but not all are efficient, safe and long term capable, so be careful when developing your base routine, some are just show-off moves.
For those that get bored or feel they must do something totally different, just keep your fitness future in mind and realize that at some point you will have to be more consistent and realize it just has to be done, bored or not. In the working environment, the longer you perform a certain task the better and more efficient you become. When it comes to fitness the more consistently you perform a certain group of exercises the stronger and more shapely you become. So when it comes to exercising pay particular attention to these muscles that have a “saggy” future.
“It is not enough to take steps which may someday lead to a goal; each step
must be itself a goal and a step likewise.”
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Feel free to contact me.